DNA and Human Nutrition

With the Human Genome Project which started in 1990 and finished in 2003, the human community has become much more aware of how we, as humans, become who we are.
The very first gene mapping actually took place in 1911 with a study conducted on Drosophila Melanogaster (Fruit Flies). The possibility of doing the exact same types of studies has occurred here in the United States with humans in a number of different areas including nutrition and an area known as “Nutrigenomics.” There have been a number of different studies that have pointed to the link between eating a diet with whole fruits and vegetables and securing healthy DNA. Here is one:
With the discovery of the Double Helix and the how it operated by Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins, James Watson, and Francis Crick… we have learned a great deal and each day new research is added.
One of the key findings that has come through is the need for a healthy diet that has whole fruits and vegetables in it. If your interested in making sure you and your children are getting the nutrition that they need please click on the button below.