In 2014 I made a decision that I really needed to change and this was part of the process. I started working out at a gym in Fargo, North Dakota. There were other choices that I really needed to make including nutrition and making a conscious effort to improve the way I was thinking.There were many things that I did on this journey. I read a book called “The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.” This book made a significant impression on me since it was focused on what I call the choices that we make in life that ultimately create good things happening or in my case not so many good things. At the same time, I started attending a Mastermind Group that met every Saturday at 8 AM. I still attend the group because of the positive impact this group has had on my life. I did a book study on “Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill” and in this study I came to a number of other realizations about choices I had made. The first time I was given the book was when I was 16 years old by my football coach a man who changed my life at the time because of his belief in me and his pushing me toward something beyond just surviving.
I realized as I was working out that certain foods made me feel good and others did not. I needed to make some significant changes in my food choices and how I provided nutrition for what I was doing. The choices I had made starting in the early ’90s and continuing until 2014 were of no great benefit to me other than allow me by my own choices to gain over 170 pounds. At this time I had the chance to begin looking at nutrition in a whole new way and being a natural skeptic I decided to do significant research to make my nutrition work to my absolute benefit. I discovered Juice Plus I continued to use this for a few years and this got my system chemically back to where it need to be. I also started to look at and use products from a company called Nerium There were a number of products that I started to use with many benefits. These include my general appearance and my brain health from a product called EHT.