The Becomers
This is a company started in the early
In 2014, I retired from public education and realized that I had fallen a long way from where I had been in my life journey particularly in personal fitness and mindset. I realized that I wasn’t even close to where I was when the Becomer’s came into existence. My journey back began in December of 2014. The Bulldog Is Back and I wanted to help others make their way back or to transform their lives and find a place of personal health, wellness, and success. This is what this company is all about helping others reach their own best place in life. Looking Better, Feeling Better, and Being Aware of What Each Has to Do to Stay in That Place. The Journey Never Really Ends You Will Keep Moving Forward…
It is now 2024 and there are so many different things happening in this world. In my community, there is a major issue with the mental health of many, many people. Most recently I have been addressing this need through courses being offered on Self-Love and how a person can truly help their personal mental health.
Self-love is the foundation of a happy and fulfilled life. It’s not always easy to love ourselves unconditionally, but it’s worth it. Here’s how: #1: Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses. #2: Take time to nurture yourself. #3: Set boundaries and stick to them. #4: Celebrate your successes. How do you show yourself love? In the course on Self-Love I help you have a foundation to do these things.
I will also help you learn more about the law of attraction and how you can set yourself ahead of others by understanding your personal path to transformation and truly reaching and working on your personal purpose.